Friday, September 7, 2007

Yes, yes, yes...

...I know you've missed my self promoting, bragadocious posts about other people taking notice of my husband's talent... okay, mine too. :-)

But I just have to mention that we were kindly included in a lovely blogger's blog recently. And I have to thank her.

You can see the blog post here, and visit Anodyne's shop on etsy. She has some lovely stuff there... like this - Autumn Leaves Card Wallet...

And finally, another treasury. It has been far too long, I was starting to feel ostracized. :-)

The lovely and talented Flanders Field, put together a lovely treasury, and was kind enough to select one of my items.

You can see it here Right Back At Ya or look at a screenshot, if you haven't the time.
Why yes, of course, I have one right here for you.

And here is an example of FlandersField's really good eye, entitled "Cling" and available for purchase.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for the mention. :) And congrats on getting into a treasury!