Sunday, October 7, 2007

Bring it ON! The bathroom.

Okay, it's almost dinnertime, and we've not been nearly as motivated as yesterday and Friday afternoon.

I am setting the clock for 30 minutes, and will do as much in the bathroom as humanly possible.

If you see me so much as post "hi" on the fora... yell at me. :-)

View from my bedroom into the bathroom. And after 30 minutes.

The cat would like a clean bed. She curls up in my hubby's side of the sink to sleep most of the time.

Progress after 30 minutes. Time for dinner and some family time.

Back at it on Monday... starting time was 11:30, shot at noon progress.

This stuff will still need to find homes before I can call it done.

Looks so nice empty... maybe I'll leave it minimalist for a few days, and see if I can take it. That's one of Bradli's soaps on the counter... it's pumpkin pie spice cented. Her shop is Indulging ScentSations I'm waiting on another order ... hooked for sure.

Gotta love my Bear... she follows me everywhere.

The counters look pretty good now. I emptied the *junk* out of the top drawer, and put my brush, deodorant, and random hair products and makeup - stuff I use everyday - in there, instead of in the wooden bin on the counter. We'll see how that works out.

I also realized there is wayyyy too much stuff in the drawers, and in the cabinets. Time for a purge and freecycle, I suppose.

The tub looks lovely without all the kids' sea animals perched on the side. :-) But, I shall miss the dolphin.
See, my bottlestoppers can be used for more than wine!

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Your Bear looks like my Sable. : )