Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Giving eBay one more try...

So, I've decided to give eBay one more try. The first round of stoppers I listed there were viewed many times, but only one was bid on, and purchased. The silly woman who bought it made such a mess of the whole transaction, that it was a very unpleasant experience. Seriously? You thought you were getting FOUR nearly identical handcrafted, exotic wood, bottle stoppers for $9.99? Really? I never cease to be amazed by the level of ignorance in this world.

But, I digress.

I'm going to list several stoppers in my store inventory, rather than pay the heinous listing fees for an auction. To drive traffic into the shop, I will be listing some household items which would either go into the yard sale, or eventually be freecycled. I know, I know, freecycling is better. But better is in the eye of the beholder. Right now this beholder has an empty wallet, and is finding it increasingly difficult to keep up with the bills. Yeah, unemployment sucks rocks.

Here is the first eBay listing. I'd love feedback on how it looks, or on my auction listing wording. I've yet to figure out how to link a snapshot thing like the etsy mini... so click the linky...

eBay listing

It's this stopper, btw.

1 comment:

M. Reinke said...


Have you tried the 'eBay to Go' Widget? It allows you to place your eBay listing on another site... with all the details including a countdown clock for time left in an auction... pretty neat stuff.

Here's the link: http://togo.ebay.com/create/
